2. How effective is the combination of main product and ancillary tasks?
We created coherence across the package by making them easliy linked to each other visually and audibly. The title of the programme "Virtual Insanity" was placed across all three products as distinctly as we could make it to attract attention. We chose BBC 1 as our channel advertised this and the schedule time and in the radio trailer and the print advert featured the logo.
The programme content is relevent to BBC 1 as it is inoffensive, intelligent but accessible, universal and is the neither too formal or informal style the BBC provides. It could be watched by anyone but is scheduled at the watershed as the subject matter of child and internet safety is fairly heavy hence the schelduling time of 9pm. Its purpose is to inform and to entertain. The voiceover in the documentary and radio trailer are the same to connect them. The slogan in the radio trailer and the print advert "Who's watching You" are also the same to link them aand create a recoginition in the audience. The camera as the key image in the print advert is an extract from the programmes content (computers, internet and technology)
The style in our documentary is fairly informal though slightly neutral and unbiased (as is the BBC style), the tone in our radio trailer however is more of a frantic rushed pace with rhetorical questions and serious subjects raised (safety of children) thus is a more urgent and formal tone. The print advert with its dramatic red colour captures some of that urgency and importance.
An example of how we tried to appeal to the audience is how we used the titile track "Virtual Insanity" by Jamiroquai, it is poppy and catchy enough to appeal to younger listeners of the radio trailer but is an older song most adults would recognise and stop to listen to.
The trailer would be played across all the BBC's radio stations as the programme is of a universal content. The print advert would be placed on busstops, in town centres where it is visible to the general public and families (people of ages) and in tv guide magazines. We would present the print advert in landscape and reduce it in size so it can be placed effectively in newspapers and magazines.
We used the same font for the programme title "Virtual Insanity?" as in our print advert (an example of how we linked them)