Monday, 5 October 2009

Audience Research Questionnaire

Audience Research

1. Age: 25 – 30

31 - 35

36 – 40

40 +

2. Occupation: ____________________________________________________

3. Which colour do you prefer?

Blue Green Red Yellow Pink Black

None of the above

4. Which type of music do you prefer?

Rock Pop Country Classical

5. Which TV channels do you regularly watch and when?

6. How often do you use the internet?

Everyday Every few days Once a week

Once every few weeks

7. a) Are you aware of different social networking sites on the internet?

Yes No

If yes, list the ones which you know.

b) Do you have your own account on a social networking site?

Yes No

If yes, which sites?

8. a) Are you a parent?

Yes No

If yes, how often do you allow your child to use the internet and why?
b) Do you have any concerns when your child is using the internet?

Yes No

If yes, what are your concerns?
c) Do you limit your child’s time when using the internet?

Yes No

If yes, explain why.

9. If not a parent, which do you think are the main dangers of using the internet and why?

10. Which do you think are the positive factors of using the internet and why?

10. Which do you think are the negative factors of using the internet and why?

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